Bat Safaris 2016 - Scudamore's Punting Cambridge

Bat Safaris 2016

Bat Safari 2016

Bat Safari Tours in 2016

For the past 5 years Scudamore’s Punting Company have teamed up with the Wildlife trust to bring awareness of our local bat populations to a wider audience. Our tickets are now on sale for the 2016 tours and can be bought online here

During the 90 minute trips along the stretch of Upper River towards Grantchester, the daylight will fade into dusk and the bats will start hunting for food. With the ‘bat detectors’ provided by the Wildlife Trust you will be able to hear when they are nearby – it is then a game of keeping your eyes peeled to see the graceful creatures as they fly around you!

Throughout the tour the Bat Guides are there to pass on their knowledge as well as answer any questions you may have. The river runs through an area that is ideal for bats to roost and this means that you should be lucky enough to encounter a number of different species. Whether you are a keen learner or just joined us for a relaxing evening out we aim for you to leave with a new-found interest in Bats.



We organised a press boat last week and there have been two blogs written about the experience, have a read and see the wonders through new eyes:

Our Bat safari tours run every Friday evening from 13th May through to 23rd September and every Saturday evening from 23rd July to 27th August. Book your Bat Safari tickets here!

Bat Safaris 2016

Date posted

May 12, 2016

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